ask me

Got a question? Got a question?

Samantha wearing yukata and holding a fish purse

That’s me. Sam.

I’m the kid obsessed with anime who then became obsessed with learning Japanese.

Funnily enough anime didn’t lead to Japanese.

I chose Japanese so I wouldn’t have to start over with Spanish for the college foreign language requirement. It was a good move; my anime obsession was like nitro for my Japanese studies.

And when native Japanese speakers don’t even realize you’re not from Japan and say your English is good, you must’ve went to an international school . . . *cue confetti*

It’s been 20 years and I haven’t stopped being in the Japanese language community.

Between my own frustrations and watching Chicago Speaks Japanese! language exchange members, Anime Central volunteer guest interpreters, my students and my own kids, I know exactly where the struggles and hurdles are. But—

I’m not going to repeat what I’ve said all over the site. I mean, do you really need me to tell you that ‘You can do it! It’s the learning method, not you!” for the 8th time?

I mean, I can. =D Just message me. I mean, I can. =D Just message me.

Anyway, see if I’m your kind of person:

  • I’m always go, go, go. I can’t sit still. (Huh . . . my 4-year-old can’t sit still either. I guess he gets it from me.)
  • I hate routines. So, I’m always trying to change things up.
  • It’s all or nothing. My husband complains that I don’t finish what I start but once I decide to do something, I put in 120%. (And I think it’s better to have started than to be stuck at the starting line, afraid to make a move.)
  • I double majored with degrees in Graphic Design and Japan-focused East Asian Culture (would have gotten a third in Computer Science but I didn’t want to be in school that long)
  • You’ll never see me use animated GIFs. They drive me up the wall. They’re jerky and constantly moving, which is massively distracting while I’m reading.
  • I’ve watched hundreds of anime and read equally as many manga. Tell me your favorite made before 2019 (when I had kids and my world changed). I probably know it.
  • I feel like I don’t really belong anywhere. (My husband says I’m from another planet. Maybe he’s right.) It makes me believe that my time on this Earth is about leaving a better person than I was when I came into it.
  • Kids really like me? Before I had kids myself, I would randomly get hugged or waved at by kids I didn’t know.
  • I’ve never had a pet goldfish or plant that I didn’t end up killing. I hope my kids turn out okay . . . =D they do a pretty good job reminding me they’re there though. Jokes aside, both my daughter and son aren’t yet school age and they’re so cute. People love saying hi to them when we go out.
  • I used to be a huge Sailor Moon fan. I might bring the website I had back to life at some point.
  • I wear my emotions on my face. (I see people laughing at what I’m doing constantly; not sure if that’s because of the expression or just how I’m doing something . . . I guess I’m an accidental comic.)
  • my hair is longer than I am tall. It’s been 20 years growing it too!
  • I worked as a web developer and designer for 10 years before doing this. I wasn’t bad at it if the words ‘rockstar’ and ‘sponge’ are anything to go by.

Totally random order, I know.

If you feel like it, tell me about you!