live, online courses

These live, online courses are actually a great merger of what tutoring and self-study have to offer: you get taught by someone who can answer questions you have about the study material and you’re learning with people who are just as excited as you are.

register for a course

Should I choose this learning option?

This is for you if you prefer a consistent schedule, want someone to teach you or have more fun learning in groups.

What’s included?

Live, online Japanese courses are taken with others also interested in Japanese!

classmates and a teacher
In guided group classes, you can help each other study and ask about things you might not get on your own.

Live, online Japanese courses have a fixed schedule.

fixed schedule
Weekly, daily or in-between (varies by course), a consistent schedule will keep you on track and let you use your brain for more important things!

Live, online Japanese courses have a set curriculum.

If you like knowing what to expect or want to have something to look forward to, this curriculum will give you an overview of lessons in the course.

Live, online Japanese courses use a detailed workbook put together to teach you how to learn Japanese.

These worksheets will help guide you through the course material and push you to understand how everything comes together in the Japanese language.

Sensei will review and give feedback on all worksheets for live, online Japanese courses if you turn them in.

worksheet feedback
Email me scans/photos of your worksheets and you’ll receive worksheet corrections via email or in class. *

Live, online Japanese courses have office hours in case you have questions between classes.

office hours
I’m available mid-week if you need additional help outside of class. You’ll get a calendar invite to these optional office hours.

How often/When are the classes?

Live, online courses occur weekly or biweekly depending on the course you choose. Please look at each course for specific times and dates

Courses are offered 6 sessions a year (sometimes more if there’s a lot of people interested halfway through a session).

Times and dates are posted at the beginning of the year on each course but schedules can change so check back as soon as you’re thinking about joining. Classes with students signed up have a hard registration deadline.

Where are classes held?
I haven’t received the meeting link yet!

You’ll get a few emails with links to access the Curriculum and a Discord classroom 1 or 2 days before the first class.

Can I join in the middle of a course?
Can I still join if I can’t make it to all the classes?


I usually do an assessment with students who’ve never taken one of my courses but have studied Japanese before. And, if you have taken one of my classes, just ask me and I’ll let you know if it’s a good idea based on how you’ve been doing.

But, if you’re going to miss more than one class in a row and know the chances of studying between classes are slim, I’d say joining a course with different dates would be better.

You do get a bunch of different ways to catch up (these are listed in the next question below) but you have to have the time and motivation. That is something I can’t do for you!

What should I do if I miss a class?

Not a problem! There are so many ways for you to stay on top of the material:

  • Come to Office Hours. I’ve set aside this time specifically to help you.
  • Drop questions in Discord.
  • Watch the videos. (If lesson videos are available for that course. Videos for higher level classes are in the making.)
  • Do the worksheet(s) from the missed lesson. (There is no better way to get you on the same page with your classmates and see how much you know or remember than practicing what you learn!)
  • Read through the class notes, if there are any, sent to you.
  • Keep an eye out in class. Everything we learn builds on top of things from previous classes so definitely plenty of review.

I missed class. Can we schedule a make-up lesson? Can I have the recording?

I have too many students to do make-up lessons! But this is why I set up Office Hours mid-week.

There’s also plenty of other ways you can catch up. See above.

Some lessons have a video version but there are no recordings of live sessions.

* When are you sending worksheet feedback to me?

You can find info about the timeline at the bottom of the Worksheet Submission page.