Group study • Video • Character review •
Audio • Step-by-step guide

screenshots of the Killing it with Kana Course across multiple devices

All for $88

Killing it with Kana Course

Don’t know where to start?
Need a study buddy?
Learn better with videos or audio?

The Killing it with Kana Course‘s got you covered!

Once you’re done, you’ll be avoiding common mistakes and building strong habits that’ll carry you through anything the Japanese language might throw at you.

Plus you get to have fun and be silly as you learn the basic Japanese kana characters.

Sounds like a win-win!

I’m jumping in today!

But, why study kana in the first place?

Japanese also uses the Roman letters, don’t they?

They do.

Japanese is not English though. (Or any other language that uses the Roman alphabet.)

But that’s what your brain defaults to when it sees Roman letters. And you end up never truly learning Japanese because it needs to make sense in your native language first. *_* It just HAS to!

Cue hair pulling.

What is kana?

  • Used to spell words, it’s the basic Japanese writing system.
  • There are 92 characters in total.
  • Kana is split into hiragana and katakana, where one character from each set represents a single syllable.

So, what if I told you you don’t have to lose your hair, your shirt or your mind?

I know learning a language can be tough.

I’ve seen and heard from tons of language learners who struggled with memorizing Japanese kana through traditional methods.

But who said we have to do this the old, boring way?

I took all the things tripping people up and applied how we naturally look at the world.

You can listen. You can watch. You’ll write and repeat the sounds. You’ll come practice with us. You’re going to be dreaming about these characters.

And I’ll be with you the entire time. I want you to learn Japanese and love it, and with this course, you’ll have the tools you need to make it happen.

Now let’s go create our own wacky study space!

I’m Samantha, by the way. That’s me!

portrait of Samantha with braids

Killing it with Kana
you’ll get

my super simple methods and memory tricks sprinkled with some Samantha-style quirkiness.


$267 value
4 CoRneRS™
learning methods and tools for dividing and conquering all 92 characters. (And future Japanese studies!)

$489 value
Characters re-imagined
for easier memorization and enjoyment. Catchy (or terrible) captions included.

$300 value
Robot R(ecalibration) & R(evitalization) Routine™
to simplify your approach and truly learn Japanese.

$27 value
What NOT to do
list of things you might not realize you’re doing until you’ve practiced it so much you can’t stop doing it.

$12 value
Japanese pronunciation guide
to help you start sounding like a native speaker.

$13 value
Speeding up your studies
Tricks and resources for covering more ground in less time while keeping up what you’ve learned.

the material in several formats so you can study the way you learn best. (But why not use all of them at least once for maximum effectiveness?!)


$195 value
Bite-sized videos
you can watch any time, anywhere. But don’t just watch! Practice with us.

$28 value
Video transcripts
if you prefer or need to read. HTML formatted.

$46 value
Audio playlist
of the video audio so you can listen on the go or in your sleep.

And that’s not all!


$37 value
Course Curriculum
A 10-day, step-by-step guide for methodically and efficiently learning the Japanese kana characters.


$480 value
A year of Study Sessions
Monthly study hour each month for 12 months to get your questions answered and keep you motivated through practice with your fellow students! Show us how far you’ve gotten, share your own study tips and just have fun.


$338 value
Practice review
Pointers and corrections on any character practice you do as you follow along with the 10-day Course Curriculum.


$480 value
A year of Study Sessions
Monthly study hour each month for 12 months to get your questions answered and keep you motivated through practice with your fellow students! Show us how far you’ve gotten, share your own study tips and just have fun.


$150 value
Discord community
A place to hang out, chat about Japan and practice or get your questions answered. We can be your cheering section too!

Total value: $2382

Just $88

Start mastering kana now!

frequently asked questions

What if I don’t know ANY Japanese?

Then, this is the course for you!

It’s the first step in learning Japanese and goes into detail on how to study and what to study when.

If I shouldn’t use Roman letters, how will I learn what the kana characters represent?

Listen to and repeat the audio as you practice each character. Soon, you’ll be saying the sound before the audio!

Can I use this course if I’ve already started learning kana?

Of course! Knowing some of the characters doesn’t make the methods in this Course any less useful.

And, if you’ve been struggling to memorize some of them, this course will give you more ways to tackle those characters.

Can I use this on any device?


Err, mostly yes. If you’re using an older device or don’t have the latest browser updates, it might not work correctly. Support is limited to browser versions and devices made in the last 3 years.

When can I start using it?

As soon as you purchase it!

You’ll get an email with the course link and have permanent access to it in your Account Dashboard for the lifetime of the course.

How is this different from the Killing it with Kana Workbook?

You get videos and audio so you can study your way, more study tips, feedback on your character practice, and monthly group video calls. (I also have something else up my sleeve. =D )

How does the monthly Study Session work?

You’ll get a link to the video chat held in our Discord community and have access to it for a year from when you join.

For an hour every month we’ll clear up any confusion and just practice with each other! You can drop your questions ahead of time or bring them to the Study Session.

Does this course work for any age?

Yes! 4 CoRneRS™ and Robot R&R Routine™ are simple to follow. It might feel strange at first to not understand Japanese using other languages but you’ll find it becomes second nature after a while.

I suggest spreading out the daily lesson in the curriculum over several days or weeks for younger students.

When I finish the course, will I be able to read and write all 92 characters?

You can probably get through the whole course in a day (with some breaks) but it could be a few weeks to a year before you’ll know all of the kana. It hinges on how much you practice, on how focused you are when practicing and on whether you use it outside of practice.

But, even if it takes a year to read and write all of them, you won’t be spending that entire year just studying kana. At least not the way I teach!

Reading usually comes faster than writing.

Inside is a 10-day study guide to help you learn it more effectively. Other ways to speed this up are also included! Most characters won’t stick without repeated use. So, run through it a few times!

This isn’t what I was looking for. Can I get a refund?

You normally wouldn’t be able to get a refund with digital courses this short but if you try it and don’t love learning Japanese with me, send me your character practice of all the characters in the Day 2 video within the first 24 hours of purchase for a full refund.

I think it’s going to dawn on you what you’ve got on your hands though. Because I don’t just teach you Japanese, I show you how to learn Japanese better and faster with my 4 CoRneRS™ and Robot R&R Routine™ learning methods.

If you don’t have time to try it out, please read this page and contact me with any questions to make sure this product will help you with what you need before purchasing.

Want to confidently conquer those capricious kana characters?

(Try saying that 10 times fast!)

The Killing it with Kana Course has

  • a detailed 10-day curriculum to guide you through the learning process ($37 value)
  • on-demand video lessons with transcripts to help you understand the material better ($223 value)
  • free access to monthly 60-minute group Study Sessions for a year ($480 value)
  • feedback and accountability on your practice sheets ($338 value)
  • access to our private Discord Japanese learning community ($150 value)

to help you do just that!

Learning a language takes time and effort.

But the Killing it with Kana Course gives you an advantage that other learners won’t have.

And you have the opportunity to get it at an unbeatable price!

screenshots of the Killing it with Kana Course across multiple devices

Killing it with Kana Course

Only $88

Let’s kill it with kana!