Killing it with Kana Workbook

Killing it with Kana workbook along with pages of different activities and tools

Just $9

Diving into Japanese
for the first (or 20th) time?

Basic Japanese kana characters are where it all starts.

And the Killing it with Kana Workbook is your shortcut to success!

You’ll make clear, conscious connections using the way your mind naturally works. So, instead of fishing in your brain for them, those characters will be popping out at you!

I want to kill it with kana!

Your brain processes info at lightning speed.

And it does this by grouping things:

Those are yellow flowers. The other yellow things there must be flowers too.

Get closer and you realize they’re painted chick decorations.

And filling in the blanks:

l_ft and r__tleft and right

It’s happening today and to__morrow.

Which could be a pain when you’re learning so many new characters.

But, you don’t have to fight it!

These shortcuts will actually help you shortcut the learning process and make it easier to tell characters apart.

I’ll show you how in the Killing it with Kana Workbook.

Plus, with other fun, methodical ways to absorb Japanese kana, you’ll be spotting characters on signs, tees and manga in no time.

But, why study kana first?

Japanese also uses the Roman letters, don’t they?

They do.

And it’s where the mistakes get made.

Japanese is not English.

If you get too focused on the Roman letters and the English meanings, you don’t really learn the Japanese.

What is kana?

  • Used to spell words, it’s the basic Japanese writing system.
  • There are 92 characters in total.
  • Kana is split into hiragana and katakana, where one character from each set represents a single syllable.

So, imagine how awesome it would be if

  • you didn’t need another language to learn Japanese.
  • you immediately knew the sound of a character just by looking at it.
  • you went into Japanese mode as soon as you saw the kana characters.
  • you started recognizing kana characters wherever you spotted them.
  • you didn’t have to translate a character or a word into your native language before knowing it in Japanese.
  • you read a word with the Japanese pronunciation instead of the English pronunciation.
  • you sounded like a native speaker.
  • you could take your kana study methods and use them to speed up your Japanese vocabulary and grammar studies.
  • you’re so excited you can’t wait to practice your Japanese or see what you’ll learn next.

If you’ve been nodding your head to any of these things, then you’ll want what’s inside the workbook.

So . . .
what is inside

Killing it with Kana?

$18 value
Writing practice grids
and how to use them to get those characters just right.

$267 value
4 CoRneRS™
learning methods and tools for dividing and conquering all 92 characters.

$89 value
Characters in detail
with visual depiction of strokes and stroke order for writing accuracy and efficiency.

$300 value
Robot R(ecalibration) & R(evitalization) Routine™
to simplify your approach and truly learn Japanese.

$12 value
Japanese pronunciation guide
to help you start sounding like a native speaker.

$26 value
Kana practice audio
recordings of a Japanese speaker to listen to and repeat as you write each character.

And that’s not all!


$27 value
What NOT to do
Playfully phrased so they’re easy to remember (and avoid!), a list of things you might not realize you’re doing until you’ve practiced it so much you can’t stop doing it.


$38 value
Vocabulary practice
Additional character practice for those who remember better with words and/or pictures.


$27 value
What NOT to do
Playfully phrased so they’re easy to remember (and avoid!), a list of things you might not realize you’re doing until you’ve practiced it so much you can’t stop doing it.


$13 value
Speeding up your studies
Tricks and resources for covering more ground in less time while keeping up what you’ve learned.

Total value: $790

all for $9

Start mastering kana now!

portrait of Samantha with braids

Hi, I’m Samantha!
(Sam or Samansa-sensei works too.)

I’ve been witness to hundreds of Japanese learners and their struggles to truly remember and really get Japanese.

That’s 7 years running a Japanese language exchange group and overseeing volunteer Japanese interpreters in the Anime Central’s Guest Assistants Department and another 5 years after I moved to teaching Japanese full-time of seeing why and where people were getting tripped up.

So, I created this not only to help you pick up kana quicker (and without all the hair pulling) but to set you up for an easier Japanese language journey.

frequently asked questions

What if I don’t know ANY Japanese?

No problem. This workbook was made for you!

It’s the first step in learning Japanese and goes into detail on how to study and what to study when.

When can I start using it?

As soon as you purchase it!

You’ll get an email with a link to all the downloads and have permanent access to it in your Account Dashboard for the lifetime of the product.

Can I use this workbook if I’ve already started learning kana?

Of course! Knowing some of the characters doesn’t make the methods in this workbook any less useful.

And, if you’ve been struggling to memorize some of them, this workbook will give you more ways to tackle those characters.

This isn’t what I was looking for. Can I get a refund?

There are no refunds due to the digital nature of these products.

Please read this page and contact me with any questions to make sure this product will help you with what you need before purchasing.

How long will it take me to finish the workbook?

You could easily run through the whole thing in a weekend but most of the characters won’t stick without repeated use. So, do it a few times!

If I shouldn’t use Roman letters, how will I learn what the kana characters represent?

Listen to and repeat the audio as you practice each character. Soon, you’ll be saying the sound before the audio!

So, how long will it take me to read and write all 92 characters?

Could be a few weeks to a year. It hinges on how much you practice, on how focused you are when practicing and on whether you use it outside of practice.

Reading usually comes faster than writing.

Ways to speed this up are included in the book!

Does this workbook work for any age?

Yes! Age is just a number.

4 CoRneRS™ and Robot R&R Routine™ are simple to follow. It might feel strange at first to not understand Japanese using other languages but the methods work if you can stick it out.

This workbook is also great as a straight up practice book with the audio.

That’s a huge time range. Will this really work?

It depends on your commitment to doing the exercises and following the study methods. And, again, how much you regularly practice.

Like, if I look up and cook with a recipe, the next day I probably wouldn’t remember most of it. But if I kept using that recipe, even if I have to look it up again a few more times, I’d eventually know it by heart.

But, even if it takes a year to read and write all of them, you won’t be spending that entire year just studying kana. At least not the way I teach!

(Also, taking longer to learn something isn’t a bad thing. You like to be thorough. You’ve got to be an adult. Life happens.)

What makes this workbook different from other resources for learning kana?

I do this step last but most resources teach kana in the order they appear on the hiragana and katakana charts. “Learn these 92 new characters.” is like being told to sort a mixed container of every screw at the hardware store! The characters start to blur and jumble together because that’s how our brains work.

I use this natural info processing to help you remember more faster.

And then whatever doesn’t stick, you can tackle using my study ideas or your own.

I will never tell you there is only one way to study but there are things you really shouldn’t do if you don’t want to be frustrated later. It’s all in the book!

Learning a language is a lot like building a house.

Would you build a house on top of a junkyard?

No, right?

But that’s what most people do when they learn Japanese.

No debris cleanup. No leveling or packing down the soil. No digging the foundation or measuring out a space.

Their Japanese is just built on top of their understanding of English.

And that’s the wrong type of foundation. It’s also messy, which means your sentences will fall apart. Your building won’t stay up.

Ready to tidy up the space between your ears
and set the 4 CoRneRS™
of your Japanese language house?

Ready to make clear, conscious connections
using the way your mind naturally works?

Killing it with Kana Workbook

Killing it with Kana workbook along with pages of different activities and tools

Only $9

Ready? Set. Kana!