Worksheet Submission

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submission rules

So that 1) everyone can get feedback and become really confident in the sentences they’re putting together and 2) you can start to see your mistakes without making you sick of the stuff we’re reviewing, this is how we’re going to keep things simple:

  1. I’ll only look at a single copy of a worksheet. So, for example, if page 7 is an essay and I receive two page 7 worksheets with different essays on each of them, I’m only going to review the last one submitted.*
  2. You can turn in the corrections for the same worksheet up to 3 times.
  3. You can only fix issues in follow-up submissions. If you rewrite or change entire answers and I didn’t ask you to do that, those sentences won’t be reviewed and you won’t be able to receive the completion Points.
  4. If you bought a course or workbook that comes with an Answer Key and the answer is in the Answer Key, write your reasoning next to your answers to get completion Points.

* Once I start reviewing a worksheet, what I’m looking at will be the ‘latest version’ even if you submit (other) updated worksheets after that.

ways to take full advantage of those 3 follow-up submissions

  1. Make all requested corrections before uploading the file.
  2. Attend Office Hours or a Study Session if you’re having trouble understanding why I gave certain feedback and what you need to do to correct the issue.

when to send corrections

If a worksheet is marked completed (has an O next to it) on your Worksheet Record, you don’t need to turn in an updated version even when there are comments/feedback notes in response to your last submission. Please see the Worksheet Submission legends for info on the meaning of Worksheet Record symbols.

These comments and notes are either the final recommended changes—and I know you get the material well enough that I don’t need to see these changes from you to know you’ll understand and make the right changes—or just an FYI.

Also, if you still turn in a worksheet after it’s marked completed, nothing will happen. It won’t be added to the Worksheet Queue so you won’t be notified about its status.


There is no deadline. You don’t have to be currently taking the class that uses those worksheets; you can turn in worksheets anytime.

the Worksheet Queue

That said, worksheets sent to me enter a queue based on the following priority:

  1. You’re a student currently taking a live, online or in-person course and the worksheets are for that week OR you’re submitting worksheets for the self-study/on-demand course(s).
  2. You’re a student currently taking a live, online or in-person course and the worksheets are for previous weeks.
  3. You’re a student who took a live, online or in-person course and are now turning in worksheets OR you’re sending updated worksheets at my request.

Within 10 days of uploading your files, we’ll check your submission for readability issues, like blurriness or cut-off photos.

  • If it’s ready for review, we’ll add it to the queue.
  • If it’s not ready for review, we’ll ask you to resubmit your files.

Once your files are added to the Worksheet Queue, you’ll get feedback 3 to 7 days from the time it reaches the top of the queue. It’ll be an email with the link to a worksheet’s feedback page.

At the moment, worksheet review times are around 2.5 weeks.

If what you submit is needed immediately for class, we’ll go over main points during the next class and you’ll get the link to the feedback page when I can get to it.

I was able to streamline some processes to bring down the review time and I’m working on some more scripts to make this go even faster.