Worksheet Submission Legends

Legend for Worksheet Record

Symbol Meaning
[blank] Not turned in.
Under review.
Need to redo entire worksheet.
Turned in and has feedback for student to correct.
% Worked on during class; no physical or digital copy turned in.
Did worksheets from a previous version of the course. Sensei doesn’t have a copy of student’s work.

Legend for worksheet feedback

Symbol Meaning
Box around word(s) Spelled incorrectly.
Box around empty space Something is missing.
Word or section underlined Something is wrong in this area.
Caret (as in ^ ) pointing up or down Insert above or below where caret is pointing. If no text written below or above caret, figure out what’s missing.
Line through text
X over text
Remove everything from beginning to end of line, including punctuation.
Line with arrows on both ends Swap the two underlined or boxed words.
Markings on top of characters “Adjust your character(s) like this.” or “These lines should actually be here.”
Two question marks What are you trying to say here? Doesn’t compute in Japanese.
FYI For Your Information. No need to correct it.